Classic Cottages donates to Ryedale Carers Support

News & Offers

Classic Cottages donates to Ryedale Carers Support

We are happy to share that we have donated £750 to Ryedale Carers Support, a fantastic charity providing support for those who care for others.

Ryedale Carers Support is a local voluntary organisation and registered charity in Yorkshire providing emotional and practical support for carers, the people they care for, and for elderly or isolated people living on their own. Run by volunteers, the work of the charity includes an array of vitally important services, including regular visitations with people in need of support.

Thrilled to support this wonderful charity, our donation to Ryedale Carers Support will help their volunteers and the people under their care. By making donations, contributors can help to bring people together and facilitate local walking groups, online activities, IT buddies and support groups for carers.

Chief Officer of Ryedale Carers Support Claire Hall said: “A very big thank you to Classic Cottages for this fantastic and unexpected donation – every little bit helps to brighten the days of those around us. We rely on our valued volunteer team to visit people for respite and relaxation. If you can spare an hour or two a fortnight and are inspired by our flourishing friendships, please get in touch!”

Find out more about the amazing work of Ryedale Carers Support and how you can get involved. 

Ryedale Carers Support charity offering a helping a hand


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